Hi Friend,

Here, we tackle the nuts and bolts and the emotional side of being a self-employed writer, on Substack and in the world beyond. Because honestly, most of us can’t separate the emotional side of writing from the practical side of it. They coexist uneasily, like four rescue cats in car on a three-hour trip.

Being a self-employed creator is amazing. It’s filled with endless potential; the possibility for a deeply meaningful life. It can be an incredible existence, when we don’t get in our own way.

There’s no easy path to doing the uncomfortable work as a writer. You just have to start doing it. But it’s difficult to get started if you don’t know that what you want is possible. We walk down the path together so you feel confident figuring out what works for you. We take the writing life seriously, but not too seriously, because everything should only be taken just seriously enough.

That’s why this newsletter and the community exist. So you see you’re not alone, and so you can learn strategies to help you successfully navigate your career.

All subscribers get

  • Access to my weekly newsletter, where I share stories and insights on being a self-employed writer.

  • Access to a community of people who understand what you’re going through. Who’ve experienced the ups and downs of freelancing. Who know that some days make us laugh, other days make us cry, and still other days require a stiff drink and an eye roll. And a cuddle from a puppy.

Paid subscribers also get (in addition to the above)

  • Twice-monthly posts that include my insider tips on topics like raising your rates, finding new clients, and marketing your business.

  • Access to my podcast, where I read, review and provide insights from business and freelancing books I’ve read.

  • Other bonuses as I’m able to provide them (such as access to resources).

Curious about me?

I’ve been writing for almost 2 decades now. In writer years, that makes me approximately as old as time. Old enough that I can say I’ve seen recessions, pandemics, and a bazillion algorithm changes. I was writing before Facebook was thing. Just barely, but still.

I love my writing career 90% of the time. 10% of the time I’m convinced it’s time to pack it in and choose something less stressful, like air traffic controller or Indy car racer. So whatever you’re thinking about your career, I’ve probably been there, friend.

When I’m not writing or editing, I’m typically doting on my dog. He’s my business advisor, security consultant, and commiseration specialist. He’s also my world.

I think his world would implode if I got a job ouside my home. I know mine would.

My secret hope is that unicorns really do exist. Because whimsy is an important part of adulthood.

Here’s to your continued success, however you define that,


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Subscribe to Happy Freelancing with Heidi Turner

Helping self-employed writers build happy, successful careers.


Writer, editor, success coach for freelancers, squirrel watcher, dog guardian