Thanks for sharing this delightful list. It's like you've captured the essence of the freelancer life with both humour and accuracy. I can relate to so many points.

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I'm glad you liked it, Winston!

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Number 8 = I actually did last week. I bumped into someone from the school run whilst I was out for my "all these words are now just noise, I need to get out" walk and, as she was the first adult I'd seen all day, I somehow turned pleasantries into being able to share how Lego came about in its current form. (I haven't seen them on the walking route since.)

Thanks for this list. It's great to read so many points and know I'm not on my own in thinking them/owning so many notebooks. :-)

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I'm glad the list was so helpful for you! I would love to know how Lego came about in its current form. And I've lost count of how many notebooks I've started over the years. But I think I keep the notebook industry alive.

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