I'm sorry you got piled on like that from Facebook users, Heidi. Good thing you have the smarts to not engage your emotional energy in refuting them. The Robert Reich article you included in this blog post provided irrefutable backing to the premise in your post that "You are not greedy for wanting to be financially secure. You are not greedy for wanting to run your own business. You are not greedy for wanting to set money aside for retirement. You are not greedy for wanting your clients to value the work you do and pay you accordingly."

I felt infuriated after reading the Reich post. It's shocking that "the typical CEO of a big company is now raking in 399 times more than their typical employee. In 1965, the typical big company CEO took home 20 times more than their typical employee." WTF?!

It's been helpful for me to read your posts about charging what you are worth. I know I'd be charging a lot less without having been in your sphere of influence, and I know I will eventually be charging more as I gain skills, confidence, clients, and experience.

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Laurie. I know earlier in my career this situation would have bothered me more, but I'm at a point where I'm able to recognize the issue is theirs, not mine. Freelancers wanting to be paid for their value and expertise is not greedy. It is not opportunistic. It is fair. I'm glad I've helped you set your prices accordingly and set a plan for increasing them. ❤️

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