Sitemap - 2023 - Happy Freelancing with Heidi Turner

Happy new year!

New year's intentions for freelance writers

Insider tips: Set yourself up to take vacation time

Make December 2024 you grateful to December 2023 you

Creating opportunities: An interview with Jennifer Silva Redmond

Introversion, social anxiety, and freelancing

Insider tips: Availability emails

How availability emails can increase your income

22 signs you might be a freelancer

Stop taking failure personally

Insider tip: How to negotiate deadlines

Dealing with unreasonable deadlines

What I'm reading right now

The curse of the comfort zone

Insider Tip: Build a portfolio with no paid samples

Use your portfolio to attract clients

Where do freelance writers go after they retire?

Insider tip: Finding your industry/topic niche

To Niche or not to Niche

What I'm reading right now

Insider Tip: Setting Prices

Does a clean office equal intelligence?

Staying motivated when every day is Casual Friday

Writing through grief and resentment

Open letter to frustrating client re: unpaid invoice

Reflections on the past year

The emotional burden of setting prices

How to deal with requests for spec work without losing your mind

Yes, you need to be online

The most important tool to give you control in client relationships

Increase your writing income by subcontracting

5 strategies to increase your rates

In which I cause all of society's problems

How I use AI to elevate my writing

Why you should embrace client meetings as a way to grow your income

You deserve to be paid with money, not excuses

Freelance rules were made to be broken: Working 9-5

Join my new subscriber chat

Stay firm on your fees

Navigating the sea of freedom

Establishing boundaries for success

Freelancing rules were made to be broken, part 1: Always dress professionally

A short break

How to make money at 10 cents a word

Let's change how we view networking

Setting boundaries with clients

What is your why?

The Positive Realism of Freelancing

The start of something big...maybe